Who Are You Voting For?

That moment when someone says, “I can’t believe you would vote for Trump. I simply reply, “I’m not voting for Trump.”I’m voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech. I’m voting for the Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family.I’m voting for the next Supreme Court Justice(s) to protect…


There are very few people who are willing or able to be persuaded. Too many cross their arms and say, “don’t confuse me with facts, my mind is made up”. If you do run across someone who can be persuaded, simply ask them for their three biggest issues in the upcoming election and then ask…

Vote Smart

Put the rhetoric aside and focus on the policy – which policy has helped the USA be safer and stronger, both physically (as at the border) and financially (as being energy independent). Then look at who (and which party) has delivered those policies.

Timber Pines News

I am interested to find out how many of our club members find the independent Timber Pines News magazine a welcome alternative to, or additional to, the TPCA’s own Timber Pines monthly newsletter. I for one always welcome an independent view/report of news, both local, national and world – but in this instance the focus…

What the Left Did to Our Country

What the Left Did to Our Country Victor Davis Hanson (Sep 4th 2023) American Greatness In the last 20 years, the Left has boasted that it has gained control of most of America institutions of power and influence—the corporate boardroom, media, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, the administrative state, academia, foundations, social media, entertainment, professional sports,…


If you wish to be a member of a seniors national group for like-minded Republicans and get senior discounts (just like AARP), try AMAC. Below is a link to the latest edition of their on-line publication: http://digitaledition.qwinc.com/publication/?i=689459

Social Media Alternatives

Since Google, Facebook and Twitter have taken it upon themselves to be the “truth commission” and censor anything they disagree with, including canceling President Trump’s accounts, I have researched alternatives, and moved over to them.This is a list of possible alternatives for you and your friends and family to consider moving to: Firefox browser ->…